Christmases Past

Following is a chapter from my—as yet unpublished—memoir, THE GIRL WITH THE BLACK AND BLUE DOLL. At this time of year, I think we all are drawn back to memories of Christmases Past. Chapter Thirty-Three One Christmas Morning In contrast to the festivities at Mémère’s cottage, Christmas was pretty much nonexistent downstairs at Babci and […]

RIP Mummy Mother Mom

Mummy died yesterday on Easter afternoon. Perhaps it’s somewhat symbolic given the nature of the holy day. Most might say she “passed away,” but I have no issue with directness. “Died” is direct. Flowers die. Trees die. They wither as their cells cease to receive nourishment from the earth and rain. “Passed away” has religious […]

This Is Where It Began

This is The Farm. One-hundred acres of wild woods and domesticated fields. A couple dozen milk cows, two draft horses, two pigs, twelve+ rabbits, twelve-odd laying hens, twenty-four ducks, one billy goat, one barn cat named Jasper, and one mongrel dog named Skippy. And four barefoot kids. “I have always loved wild places. I grew […]

Barkeep! Another Round of Hugs, please!

After another long COVID week, I am longing for some refreshment. Liquid? Virtual? Physical? Any kind of refreshment. I think I’d like a Lemon Drop Martini. It’s been many years since I’ve ordered one. If the barkeeper has been careful passing it to the waitperson and the waitperson has managed to get to my table […]