I Said I Wouldn’t Spam You

I meant it. But this year’s posts have few and far between.

Priorities I’ve stuck to? Querying agents for my coming-of-age memoir. Taking writing classes via Zoom. Attending monthly writing group meetings. Exploring other writing formats—namely, Flash Non-Fiction. Oh yeah, and writing in my journal at least every other day.

The hard work?

Relocating from rental house to 2-generation house with my oldest son and his wife.

My health work?

Walking daily when possible. Live music. Traveling to a far off place to stimulate the culture needs of my spirit.

Haven’t visited my siblings and their children since pre-Covid. Catching up with them this season, followed by a self-proclaimed, post-Thanksgiving writing retreat. Extended stay AirBnB reservation.

It’s somewhat early but Happy Thanksgiving to you. I sincerely hope you share the holiday weekend with family and friends in the most meaningful manner. And safe travels, too. Be careful out there.

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